
Sunday 16 June 2013

Chilli Russian Roulette

I remember this really cool version of russian roulette where a wheel would spin and land on a chocolate and everyone in the group would take a chocolate but one of them was really really hot chilli and one of them would have to eat the chilli. It was so much fun. Also the rules stated that the person who ate the chilli had to eat the whole thing and not just bite into it. I did it once, oh my it was soooooo hot but so much fun! I think it is a great game.

Friday 14 June 2013

Sexy vegetarians and dweeb moments

Wow, I just found out that Katie Holmes, Avril Lavigne and Eliza Doolittle are all vegetarians. I feel quite proud at this. I even had a dweeb moment* and yelled 'vegetarians unite!' I also found out that that guy from The Wanted Jay Mcguiness was voted the sexiest vegetarian alongside Eliza Doolittle. Random fact: one of the benefits of being a vegetarian is that over time meat wears down the teeth so vegetarians typically have sharper teeth. To conclude if there are any vegetarians reading this then virtual high five. And if there are any meat eaters reading this, well there need to be meat eaters to make the veggies look good.

*A dweeb moment is simply how someone randomly acts like a dweeb. For example when I received a book I wanted for my birthday it came with a solar system bookmark and I was like 'wow a solar system bookmark' and I had a dweeb moment. Then my friend said 'ha, I have a solar system app!' And he had an even bigger dweeb moment therefore he out dweebed me. Check out my dweeb moment pics

A poem to back vegetarianism;

Point of View 

Thanksgiving Dinner's sad and thankless
Christmas dinner's dark and blue
When you stop and try to see it
From the turkey's point of view.

Sunday dinner isn't sunny
Easter feasts are just bad luck
When you see it from the viewpoint
Of a chicken or a duck.

Oh how I once loved tuna salad
Pork and lobsters, lamb chops too
Till I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view

by Shel Silverstein

Edit: Goddammit why are there so many views?!?!??? At least wait until I have Adsense for Christs' sake!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The theme of Homosexuality in the movie 'Things to do before you're 30' and other themes

The basic plot is about a guy called Don Robson who starts a boys footie team in 1983 that he names  Athletico Greenwich. Twenty years later the lads are still playing for the team, but things have become a lot more complicated in their adult years as they are all about to turn 30. Cass, the team's top scorer on and off the pitch, isn't sure he's ready for fatherhood with Kate, the love of his life. Adam still hasn't told the rest of the team he's gay. Colin is desperate to have a threesome even though he's just started going out with the lovely Vicky Dylan is in love with the woman his father is about to marry. Billy is trying to save his marriage. Johnny is not ready to accept the fact that his father, who started the team all those years ago, is dying.
Whilst it is the Sunday football team that keeps this group of friends together, this is not a film about football. This is a film about complex relationships, and how childhood friends have to change as they mature into adulthood.

There is a BIG theme of homosexuality in this film. For starters one of the main characters Adam played by Shaun Parks is gay. Vicky played by Billie Piper is a bisexual and Colin played by Bruce Mackinnon is desperate to have a threesome with her and her girlfriend/best friend. At the beginning of this film when the team write their list of what they want to do before they turn 30, Colin writes 'have a homosexual experience' and the team mock him even Adam but shows signs that he is uncomfortable. Then Johnny announces that he had a homosexual experience last night; he watched lesbian porn and the team laugh. During the middle of the movie Cass has an affair with a woman in his car. Kate assumes that is the nurse that checks up on their baby but is jealous to find out that is an attractive young presenter. At a scene in the bar Kate, who is the only one who knows he is gay at this point, snogs Adam in front of Cass and leaves the bar with him. At the footie match Cass punches Adam to the ground who then announces to everyone that he is gay. The big burly opposing football team decide to leave just as Billy arrives. The captain of the team grunt 'we're not staying around to play with gays.' Billy then says jokily 'hey who are you calling gay? You're gay!' The team then run after him and beat him up. This is a prime example of how different types of homosexuality is branded acceptable in a certain society, namely the one created in this film. Lesbianism is seen as attractive in this film when Johnny announces that he watches lesbian porn and when Colin finally has a threesome at the end of the film, (yes he does manage to have a threesome with two attractive women even though he looks like a sewer rat on crack). In this film lesbians are beautiful and deemed acceptable by all of the characters but a man loving a man is seen as extremely unacceptable and a big insult, and anyone who announces this should be punished.

Of course all this said and with all the controversial issues in this movie it is bound to get at least some negative reviews. There is not just a big theme of homosexuality there is also other big themes like adultery which I'm going to explore. Adultery another mammoth theme in this film and a controversial one, especially with the opinions of the characters on the subject. After Cass as shagged 'the other woman' in the car and Kate has found out he creeps into bed and Kate pretending to be asleep promptly grabs his balls and tells him she knows about the affair. She is not particularly angry as she thinks he has slept with their nurse who is not attractive but when she finds out about that it's the attractive presenter she is hurt and angry. It is interesting that Kate as hurt when she thinks that he has slept with an unattractive woman but is mortally wounded when it hits her that he in fact performed the act with the presenter. It's like a dog and a bone. Kate is the dog and Cass is the bone. A really scraggly ugly dog starts chewing the bone. The dog is annoyed but in contempt as it thinks itself better than the ugly dog. But a beautiful sleek gorgeous show dog that the dog dislikes takes the bone and the dog goes wild.... Either that or it's just lazy screenwriting.